$ 3.00 


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Debuting in 1990, who could forget this lovable dinosaur showing up the the World of Mario on the SNES?! Remember how he would just stick out his tongue and let that baby fly everywhere. He'd lick and swallow anything and everything in sight... um... reading that back, this sounds like a different type of game we're playing... WAIT A MINUTE! Anywho, we are super stoked to team up with our friends with the most STEEZ around, STEEZ MCGEE on this awesome design where the Yoshi hatches from it's egg and pops out! So let's catch some island vibes with on Yoshi's private resort, stick out our tongues and say "BLEHM" as BB-CRE.8 and Steez McGree proudly bring to you, BABY BLEHMS BB-8 (STICKER)!


- All Weather Vinyl Sticker (Meaning waterproof, won't fade in the sun, dirt proof, fart proof... you get the idea)

- Approximately 3" in width

- Slap it on ANYTHING!

- BB-CRE.8 x Steez Mcgee Collar


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© BB-CRE.8 2020