Expendable Jar Jar

$ 4.00 


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Yeah... we went there! That's right, your eyes aren't deceiving you. That's Jar Jar in all it's glory. But not just any Jar Jar... it's Jar Jar with a RED Star Trek Uniform. We all know what that means when a RedShirt goes out on a mission with the rest of the crew. It means they are going to be exterminated because they are expendable! So why not rejoice with the most despised character to ever hit the Star Wars Universe as we throw on an expendable Red uniform because you know it won't last long. BB-CRE.8 proudly presents the guiltiest pleasure to be ever created, Expendable Jar Jar!


- All Weather Vinyl Sticker

- Approximately 4" in width

- Slap it on ANYTHING!

- Mesa called JAR-JAR BINKS AF!

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© BB-CRE.8 2020